Glimpses at the Life and Times of A. V. H. Carpenter

A. Books Designed by Will H. Bradley

A2. Carpenter, A.V.H. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter. Chicago, Illinois: Lanward Publishing Company, 1890.

AVH Carpenter portrait

A.V.H. Carpenter

Autobiography of Albert Von Haller Carpenter (1822-1895), retired railroad executive for the Chicago, Milwaukee & Saint Paul Railway. Carpenter also served as a Wisconsin state commissioner of fisheries.

Late in 1889, Will H. Bradley left the employ of Knight & Leonard printers to become a freelance illustrator. Early the following year, he rented an office in the Caxton Building, downtown Chicago. This is the second published book featuring his pen and ink illustrations and the first to feature Bradley’s signed work exclusively.

Two binding colors were made, dark blue-green and burgundy. Includes 28 signed illustrations, 16 signed chapter headpieces, 16 signed decorative initials, and 5 unsigned tailpieces by Bradley.


First Edition.
Chicago: People’s Publishing Company, and New York: Henry S. Allen, 1890.

Coll: 8.0″ w. x 10.875″ h.

Binding: Publisher’s dark blue-green beveled cloth; blind-stamped banner design with gilt lettering on cover and spine; decorated endpapers.

Title: Glimpses | at the | Life and | Times | of | A.V.H. Carpenter | BY | A.V.H.CARPENTER | Gen’l Pass and Ticket Agt C.M. & St. P. Ry. | 33rd Sov. Gr. Ins. Gen. A.A.S.R. St. Nep. Sup. Council N.M.J. | U.S.A. | Edited by | Alva J. Beaty | With | Illustrations | By | Will H. Bradley | CHICAGO | THE LANWARD PUB CO. | 94-95 Traders B’ld’g | 1890

Digital Holdings:

Ref: Bambace, A2; Lindsay, A2a.

Cite: Carpenter, A.V.H. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter (first edition). Chicago, Illinois: Lanward Publishing Company, 1890.

Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter

Second (or Alternate) Edition.
Chicago: People’s Publishing Company, and New York: Henry S. Allen, 1891.

Coll: 8.0″ w. x 10.875″ h.

Binding: Dark burgundy quarter-bound cloth; blind-stamped banner design with gilt lettering on cover and spine; decorated endpapers.

Ref: Lindsay, A2b.

Cite: Carpenter, A.V.H. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter (second edition). Chicago, Illinois: Lanward Publishing Company, 1891.

A2b Glimpses at the Life and Times of A.V.H. Carpenter, second edition

A2.1 Glimpses | at the | Life and | Times | of | A.V.H. Carpenter | BY | A.V.H.CARPENTER …

Lettering enclosed in elaborate scrollwork, with boy fishing and train station scenes. Title page illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower left, Will H. Bradley.

Ref: Bambace, A2; Lindsay, A2.1.


A2.1, Title page illustration.

Glimpses of the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter

A2, Title page.


Lettering with a pastoral forest scene. Chapter heading illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 3. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed in image, WILL H. BRADLEY

Ref: Lindsay, A2.2.

A2.2, Chapter heading illustration by Will H. Bradley

A2.2, Chapter heading illustration.

Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 3

A2, Page 3.

A2.3 Initial letter, ‘M’

Letter entwined with scrollwork. Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 3. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Initialed, WB.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.3.

A2.3, Initial letter illustration by Will H. Bradley

A2.3, Initial Letter illustration.


Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 5. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower right, WILL H. | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.4.

A2.4, Illustration by Will H. Bradley

A2.4, Illustration in black and white.

Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 5

A2, Page 5.

A2.5 My Father detects | my method of | studying philosophy

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 7. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower right, 1890 | WILL H | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.5.

A2.5, 'My father detects my method of studying philosophy,' illustration by Will H. Bradley.

A2.5, Illustration in black and white.

Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 7

A2, Page 7.


Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘N’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 10. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed bottom right, WILL H. | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.6.

A2.6, illustration by Will H. Bradley.

A2.6, Chapter heading in black and white.

Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 10

A2, Page 10.

A2.7 These all started out one day from their home | in Connecticut by the emigrant conveyances of | the period

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 12. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed bottom center, WILL H. BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.7.

A2.7, illustration by Will H. Bradley.

A2.7, Illustration in black and white.

Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 12

A2, Page 12.

A2.8 Chapter Third

Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘T’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 17. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed upper right, Will H. Bradley.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.8.

A2.8, illustration by Will H. Bradley.

A2.8, Chapter heading in black and white.

Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 17

A2, Page 17.

A2.9 My first official act as a farmer’s boy

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 20. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower right, Will H. Bradley.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.9.

A2.9, illustration by Will H. Bradley.

A2.9, Illustration in black and white.

Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 20

A2, Page 20.

A2.10 ‘We drove to Montpelier’ | CHAPTER | FOURTH

Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘I’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 25. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower right, Will H. Bradley.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.10.

A2.10, illustration by Will H. Bradley.

A2.10, Illustration in black and white.

Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 25

A2, Page 25.

A2.11 ‘Gad Zounds’

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 28. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed bottom right, Will H Bradley.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.11.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 28.


Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘T’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 32. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed, Will H. Bradley 1890.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.12.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 32.


Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 34. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed bottom left, WILL H. | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.13.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 25.

A2.14 I waited his coming with what patience I could

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 37. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed bottom right, Will H Bradley 1890.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.14.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 37.


Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘T’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 41. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower right, WILL H BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.15.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 41.

A2.16 Clad cap a pie for the road

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 43. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed bottom right, Will H. Bradley 1890.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.16.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 43.

A2.17 Natural Bridge, Warren | Rock of Terror and Nose

I illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 47. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed bottom left, BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.17.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 47.


Chapter heading illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 50. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed bottom right, WILL H BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.18.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 50.

A2.19 Initial letter ‘T’

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 50. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Initialed bottom left, W.H.B.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.19.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 50.

A2.20 I lose my footing | His heart was no doubt bleeding at my misfortunes | My position was not altogether | pleasant

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 54. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower right, Will H. Bradley 1890.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.20.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 54.

A2.21 Endpiece

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 57. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Unsigned.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.21.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 57.


Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘A’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 58. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed upper right, WILL | H | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.22.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 25.

A2.23 Quechee Gulf and Railroad Bridge | Height of Bridge 163 ft. | Middlesex Gorge | and High Bridge

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 59. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed middle left, WILL H | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.23.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 59.

A2.24 Carrying the mail

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 62. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed, WILL H. BRADLEY 1890.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.24.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 62.


Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘B’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 66. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower right, WILL H. BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.25.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 66.

A2.26 Epitaph on one named Barber…

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 68. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Unsigned.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.26.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 68.


Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘T’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 73. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower left, Will H. Bradley 90.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.27.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 73.

A2.28 Fever | and | Ague

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 77. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed, WILL H. BRADLEY 1890.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.28.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 77.


Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘I’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 81. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed bottom center, Will H. Bradley.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.29.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 81.

A2.30 Money Talks

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 84. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed middle left, BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.30.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 25.

A2.30 Money Talks

Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 84. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed middle left, BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.30.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 25.

A2.31 Chapter | Twelfth

Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘T’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 89. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower left, WILL H. BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.31.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 89.

A2.32 ‘We boil the water before starting’

Man by boiling Dutch oven, illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 95. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower right, BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.32.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 95.


Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘A’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 97. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed middle left, WILL H | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.33.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 97.

A2.34 ‘Mr. Marrill, Mr. Marrill, I want to ax pardon for what I said just now’

Boy speaking with well-dressed gentleman at train station, illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 102. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed bottom right, Will | H | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.34.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 102.


Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘I’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 105. Signed in middle, WILL H | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.35.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 105.

A2.36 ‘Cooling his head and heels in the river’

Youth waist-high in river under trestle bridge. Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 108. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower left, BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.36.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 108.


Branch of roses. Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘D’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 116. Pen and ink drawing with crachis. Signed middle left, WILL | H | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.37.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 116.

A2.38 Memorial Service | commemorative of our late beloved | president | James Abram Garfield | at | TOLTEC GORGE | NEW MEXICO …

View of the Toltec Gorge, with text enclosed in a memorial laurel wreath. Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 122. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed lower right, BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.38.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 122.


Combined chapter heading and initial letter ‘I’ illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 124. Pen and ink drawing, 1890. Signed middle left, BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.39.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 124.

A2.40 ‘I was not hired to swear | for the defense’

Witness standing before a judge. Illustration in black and white. Glimpses at the life and times of A.V.H. Carpenter, pg 126. Signed lower left, WILL | BRADLEY.

Ref: Lindsay, A2.40.

Image Coming Soon

A2, Page 126.


Citation: Lindsay, Martin S. Glimpses at the Life and Times of A. V. H. Carpenter. Website: Accessed 10 Mar 2025, <>. Bibliography. References.